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Total Records: 16 - Group: OTHER / Category: RECIPES / Subcategory: BREAKFAST RECIPES
Record Name
1Baked Poached Eggs FOREVER 2018 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Baked Poached Eggs
New egg dish Oscar comes up with for June.

2Becky's Flying PancakesUPSIDE DOWN 2012 FilmRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Becky's Flying Pancakes
Pancakes that fly, made by Adam's Aunt Becky with pink pollen.

3Ben Cakes RESIDENT ALIEN 2021 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Ben Cakes
Ben's pancakes with a secret twist. The secret ingredient is brown sugar.

4Earth Boy Waffles CALVIN AND HOBBES 1985 Comic StripsRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Earth Boy Waffles
Calvin dreams his parents are really bug-eyed aliens from Neptune.

5Eggs a La Eddie FRIENDS 1994 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Eggs a La Eddie
Dish that Chandler's new roommate Eddie makes for Chandler.

6Eggs Howard THE BOB NEWHART SHOW 1972 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Eggs Howard
Dish Howard makes, which is essentially scrambled eggs.

7Eggs in a Nest FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Eggs in a Nest
Crane family specialty: Fried eggs swimming in fat served in a delightfully hollowed out piece of white bread. Frasier: "I can almost hear my left ventricle slamming shut as I speak."

8Eggs Tyrone WORKAHOLICS 2011 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Eggs Tyrone
The morning after the guys throw a raging party in their rental house, one of their guests is still there, making breakfast, apparently his signature dish, in the kitchen.

9Grilled Frank with Sausage, Spam and Bac... IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA 2005 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Grilled Frank with Sausage, Spam and Bacon, Wrapped in a Jelly Pancake and Cooked with a Stick of Butter.
Dish Charlie cooks for Frank when he retires.

10Honeymoon Pancakes TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Honeymoon Pancakes
Jenny makes Alan and Walden Honeymoon Pancakes that looks like "hearts and arrows".

11Ktarian Eggs STAR TREK: GENERATIONS 1994 FilmRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Ktarian Eggs
Kirk prepares Ktarian eggs with dill weed for Antonia in the Nexus.

12Mother Connelly's Hand-fried Eggs THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Mother Connelly's Hand-fried Eggs
Dish that Jess offers to make for Alan.

13Pizza Eggs WEEDS 2005 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Pizza Eggs
Breakfast dish Shane's father used to make for him with leftover pizza.

14Scrambled Porakan Eggs STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Scrambled Porakan Eggs
Dish that Neelix prepares, made from the most flavorful eggs in the sector, scrambled with a little dill and a touch of rengazo. A galactic favorite.

15Tomlette SUCCESSION 2018 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

During the Brightstar Cruise hearings, Senator Eavis asks Tom about the hours of 3am and 5am on March 12th - the only two-hour period in which he did not send an email to Greg with the title You can't make a Toilette without breaking some Greggs. He sent the same email to him 67 times in one evening.

16Wholesome Olson SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesRecipesBreakfast Recipes

Wholesome Olson
Breakfast meal that Jimmy makes for Chloe: egg white omelette, multigrain pancakes and something that looks like butter but somehow isn't.

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